Saturday, December 31, 2005

And a Happy New Year ('s Eve)

Because I'm insane and I like RL to come up and smack me a lot, I told the daughter she could invite her best friend over for New Year's Eve. We still have all of our furniture in half of our house, waiting for the floors to finish drying or whatever mysterious thing they have to do for several days. (And let's not go into the saga of the floors.) It should make for an interesting holiday.

But I hope everyone has an excellent end of 05 and an even better 06. I'm hoping for a productive yet restful, prosperous but calm new year. Because, you know, you can always dream.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Joy and What I Should Be Doing

It's Christmas--hey, yeah, Merry Christmas and all that. The presents have been unwrapped (my mom got me something I wanted this year--wow) and we're now madly dismantling the downstairs so we can get the floors done before we finally, finally, finally are finished with our addition and can move into it. In the meantime the rest of the house looks a bit...cramped. Try taking a lot of stuff from the main floor of your house and moving it elsewhere and then putting Christmas decorations in. Doesn't work as an interior design statement.

I should be helping the DH, who is hauling furniture and I plan to. But I wanted to wish a wonderful year to everyone. I was thinking particularly today of some of my writer friends who are finally hitting it big--or just hitting NY --at last. Congrats, ladies. Many more sales and much joy to you.

Monday, December 05, 2005

What I'm Doing//Dropping Things Into the Void

I've been busy with Loose Id and temporary single parenthood while the DH is traversing Europe and holiday prep, but I also bestirred myself to send some manuscripts to NY.

It hardly seems worth it, to be honest. I got some nice encouraging letters that turned into eventual rejections a few months ago but lately there has been nothing. A black hole. An agent emailed me to say she was clearing off her desk (never encouraging) and would get back to me soon. Several months ago. I figured whatever had happened, it was hardly worth pursuing now. Whether it was disorganization or disinterest, neither of us were interested enough. I sent off three manuscripts months ago and got...nothing. I did get a--tell us if you haven't heard back in a week. Yeah. Holding my breath til I hear. Hmm. That may have been last week, actually.

I really have to get over this total turning off I have when I send something out. I should be outraged. Nervous. Something. After all, Loose Id really works to get manuscripts back and, God knows, everyone at LI is busy enough. But I have worked hard to cultivate a "whatever"attitude about sending out my manuscripts. So now, even when I'm honestly convinced they are publishable, I can't work myself up into a good writerly frenzy about what happens when I send them off.