Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What I Miss/Love in My Life as a Writer

I'd love for you to talk about what you miss in life because you are a writer now, and what you love so in life now because you are a writer.

And ask readers to write about what they want in life yet, and how they will work for it

This was another suggestion from a reader during a newsletter contest of mine. And yes, do check out the newsletter. I have a download of Turns riding on the next one.

But what do I miss...time. I probably never would have down time in my life because I juggle a lot of roles and people and responsibilities. Not writing might give me a little more time to just veg. I don't really do that. The brain may haze over from overwork, but it's not the same and really relaxing.

OTOH, what I've gotten is joy. My writing is still a source of joy for me. I had writer's block for twenty years and when I finally sat down to write again, it was like the best drug in the world. I was sooo buzzed! That was many years ago. Writing is a bit more of a chore than a drug nowadays, but it's a really, really good chore.

newsletter: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TrevaHarte


Blogger treva said...

Ha. But now I'm an epublisher as well as having a SDJ and having a family, so instead of writing there is always something else I should be doing. Now writing has gone back to a guilty pleasure.

5:15 PM  

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