Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Two Valentine's Day messages -- one personal and one political --

My husband is the sentimental one of the two of
us. He burst into tears when he saw me in my
wedding gown because “I was so beautiful.” One
of the things that makes me happiest is when he
sees me in a crowd and his face lights up.

And this:


Blogger Kate Douglas said...

I absolutely love that video, and as a resident of California I have really strong feelings that the Supreme Court will have the courage to decide in favor of what is right--not what a bunch of homophobic bigots think should be the law of the land. I can't believe that, in this day and age, an election could be held that would actually take away the civil rights of tax paying citizens. Thanks for the link. I think I've watched it now about a dozen times. Maybe that's why I write romances. :-)

And your husband sounds pretty special...think maybe he's a keeper?

8:09 PM  
Blogger treva said...

We've been together almost 23 years, most of them married. We'll see if it's still just a passing thing.

9:17 AM  

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